Rick Hillier has taken to Facebook to express is anger over MPs absent from the vote to extend the ISIS mission.
"Some of those who are elected to political office, in our Parliament, as our leaders should be ashamed today," the former Chief of the Defence Staff wrote on his Facebook Page. "37 of them could not find it a high enough priority to be in the House of Commons when Parliament voted to extend and expand the mission against ISIL."
The vote held on March 30 to extend the mission, including air strikes in Syria, passed 142-129. Voting was along party lines, with the Conservatives voting for and the NDP and Liberals against.
All Nova Scotia MPs were present for the vote.
Hillier said the MPs were absent when "that most sacred trust - sending Canada's sons and daughters in harms way, to do violent things on our behalf - was decided."
The former general has called on each MP to explain their priorities and account for their absence.